The Kestrel


The Kestrel

I was given free reign to create a Kestrel for a client in Longhoughton. It was to sit upon an existing tree stump to make a feature in the garden. At the wood yard I chose a piece of Oak crotch. The crotch of a tree is where the the trunk splits off into two branches, this is where the tree is at its widest, perfect for making a bird of prey with its wings outstretched. I didn’t realise how big the Oak was until I brought it back to the workshop. The Kestrel I ended up carving has a wingspan of almost double a regular Kestrel. Not that the client Mrs Ford minded, who was even more impressed now with its increased size. Once the Kestrel was fitted I cut the stump to a podium, only to reveal a interior pool of water within the stump.
